Inclusive growth

Inclusive growth is a concept that advances equitable opportunities for economic participants during economic growth with benefits incurred by every section of society.The definition of inclusive growth implies direct links between the macroeconomic and microeconomic determinants of the economy and economic growth. The microeconomic dimension captures the importance of structural transformation for economic diversification and competition, while the macro dimension refers to changes in economic aggregates such as the country’s gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP), total factor productivity, and aggregate factor inputs.Sustainable economic growth requires inclusive growth. Maintaining this is sometimes difficult because economic growth may …



Fraser Institute · 28 May 2024 English

Summary This essay evaluates past carbon emission reduction and the feasibility of eliminating fossil fuels to achieve net-zero carbon by 2050. Despite international agreements, government spending and regulations, and technological … cut-is-the-deepest>

APF: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada · 23 May 2024 English

Pension Fund Investments in the Asia Pacific

Partnership project fostering sustainable inclusive growth and poverty reduction. Visit our website in

OCC: Ontario Chamber of Commerce · 6 May 2024 English

While the cost of diesel fuel is exchanged for the cost of recharging batteries, the net operating cost of the mine is reduced given the size of the ventilation system …

hospitals and will contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth. Recommendations The Ontario Chamber of Commerce

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 16 April 2024 English

A field with its roots established in the 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) is suddenly much more in the public eye and capable of doing useful things for casual users as …

should benefit people and the planet by driving inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being. →

AMSSA: Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Services Agencies of BC · 25 March 2024

The purpose of this survey is to explore the experiences of and determine the priorities of the BC settlement and integration sector at all levels, from frontline workers to CEOs. …

career providers. In addition, AMSSA provides inclusive growth opportunities within the sector. In addition

SPI: Smart Prosperity Institute · 18 March 2024 English

4 | PLACE Centre | Planning for sustainable jobs 101: A how-to guide for groups leading and supporting green labour and skills transitions The overlap between training for sustainable jobs …

in Indonesia. In: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth, Green Jobs and the Greening of Economies in Indonesia. In: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth, Green Jobs and the Greening of Economies in Indonesia. In: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth, Green Jobs and the Greening of Economies in Indonesia. In: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth, Green Jobs and the Greening of Economies in Indonesia. In: Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth, Green Jobs and the Greening of Economies

Agricultural Policy Research Networks · 7 March 2024 English

Muñoz-Mora, Tobón and d’Anjou (2018) used a mixed-methods approach to analyse the impact of armed conflict on rural areas and the potential for rural development in the post-conflict scenario in …

these challenges and achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. Sustainable development theory aligns with

AMO: Association of Municipalities of Ontario · 6 March 2024 English

Municipalities are constantly looking to the future to understand what infrastructure will be needed to support residents and the economy, and planning and investing to meet evolving needs. [...] In …

recreation. These critical services drive inclusive growth and build the vibrant communities that make

Childcare Resource and Research Unit · 2 March 2024 English

For the first time, the assessment goes beyond the laws on the books—de jure—to examine the frameworks supporting implementation of the law and to gauge experts’ opinions on the outcome …

(FY16–23): Gender Equality, Poverty Reduction, and Inclusive Growth. Washington, DC: World Bank. World Bank. 2023 skills, they can achieve stronger and more inclusive growth. Central to this strategy is the role of women

National Aboriginal Economic Development Board · 1 March 2024 English

137 3 Message from the Chairperson On behalf of the National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB), I’m pleased to share the following report detailing Government of Canada actions in relation …

and Growth Fund (JGF) and its priority on inclusive growth, FedNor leveraged flexibilities for Indigenous

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