Newly Industrialized Countries

The category of newly industrialized country (NIC), newly industrialized economy (NIE) or middle income country is a socioeconomic classification applied to several countries around the world by political scientists and economists. They represent a subset of developing countries whose economic growth is much higher than other developing countries; and where the social consequences of industrialization, such as urbanization, are reorganizing society.



IRC: Queen's Industrial Relations Centre · 27 March 2021 English

A special acknowledgement is owed to all the members of the staff of the Industrial Relations Centre/School of Industrial Relations who contributed so much to the organization of the symposium …

increased competitive pressures from newly industrialized countries, and the growing protectionism in the

IRC: Queen's Industrial Relations Centre · 27 March 2021 English

Don Wood Lecture in 1996, by Harry Arthurs, called The new economy and the demise of industrial citizenship

the loss of jobs to workers in the newly industrialized countries. However, workers in these countries

TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity · 10 December 2020 English

Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union Report structure, purpose and limitations The Economics of Ecosystems and …

carbon economy in middle-income and newly industrialized countries” project, are developing consumer information

desLibris · 15 October 2018 English

It will argue that several of the policy initiatives by the Ministry of Commerce criticisms of the policy are misguided and that (MOFCOM), the Ministry of Industry and foreign firms …

regime than that which existed when newly industrialized countries such as Japan and South Korea were

desLibris · 10 October 2018 English

country, and Korea and Singapore, newly industrialized countries that have already signed TRIPS-plus

desLibris · 14 August 2018 English

It will argue that several of the policy initiatives by the Ministry of Commerce criticisms of the policy are misguided and that (MOFCOM), the Ministry of Industry and foreign firms …

regime than that which existed when newly industrialized countries such as Japan and South Korea were

Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy · 7 November 2017 English

The key event that established a digital sector was the decision of the Northern Electric Manufacturing Company (later Northern Telecom and Nortel) to create a research and development lab on …

of strategic coupling has focused on newly industrialized countries rather than western economies (see

MLI: Macdonald-Laurier Institute · 26 February 2014 English

The United Nations uses a precise definition of the demographic window, defining it as a time when the youth- dependency ratio (the proportion of persons aged under 15 as a …

conditions can also be found today in newly industrialized countries. You can certainly see the rise in

DFO: Fisheries and Oceans Canada · 5 February 2014 French

The number of natural resource development projects in Canada's North has increased substantially in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue or accelerate in the future. Several of …

primarily driven by economic growth in newly industrialized countries, will encourage new mining projects

desLibris · 29 August 2013 English

industries into the United States, the statistics suggest a drop between the NICs include the newly industrialized countries of the first and the second halves of the period reviewed. [...] The major contributor

the EEC, and the Southeast Asian newly industrialized countries (hereafter NlCs)6 accounted for two dropped to one sixth. NICs include the newly industrialized countries of the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong

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